martes, 5 de abril de 2016


What is your opinion about recycling?


 I think that is very important for all of us because the recycling help to the environment. The people must to be conscious with our world. The world now is very contaminated and we must do something for help it and one of this thing is recycle. 

- What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?


   I think that is a big advance for the society. I completely agree to this law because the woman need decided about her life in this cases propose for the law. I, like a women, I would like abort in those cases. 

- What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?


   I don't smoke marijuana currently but in the past I smoked this. I believe that this plant isn't a risk for the people and can be a great medicine in the present. I think that marijuana must be legal and that way can help people who need this.

- What is your opinion about  climate change?

   I think that climate change is so dangerous for all. We are responsible for this and like a society we must do somenthing for help our planet. Each passing day the world is most warm or cold and this is affecting the animals and the humans. If we continue do damage to our world, this will die. 

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Loreto, I agree with your point of view. I see that the enviroment is much important for you, and it's so good. Take Care!

  2. I'm completely agree with your opinion about the abortion, i think that is important for the society that woman can choose what to do in these cases.
    I like so much the ''abortion picture''! It reflects all your opinion, see you! :)

  3. hi!! i am agree with you in all your opinions :) take care

  4. hey sweet loreto :) I completely agree with your vision in this cases. Take care, and see you in class :3
